Earlier we introduced the notion of canonical coordinates qi and the generalized forces Qi defined by the partial derivatives of the potential energy V with respect to qi. I promised then that I would describe a more general prescription later. Well, here it comes!
If we may assume that both
the potential energy
and the
kinetic energy
are known as
explicit functions of the canonical coordinates qi and
the associated ``canonical velocities''
it is useful to define the Lagrangian function
How do we obtain the equations of motion in this new ``all-canonical''
formulation? Well, HAMILTON'S PRINCIPLE declares that
the motion of the system will follow the path qi(t)
for which the ``path integral'' of
initial time t1 to final time t2,
Because the ``q'' and ``p'' notation is always used in advanced Classical Mechanics courses to introduce the ideas of canonical equations of motion, almost every Physicist attaches special meaning to the phrase, ``Mind your p's and q's.'' Now you know this bit of jargon and can impress Physicist friends at cocktail parties. More importantly, you have an explicit prescription for determining the equations of motion of any system for which you are able to formulate analogues of the potential energy V and the kinetic energy T.
There is one last twist to this canonical business
that bears upon greater things to come.
That is the procedure by which the description is re-cast
in a form which depends explicitly upon qi and pi,
rather than upon qi and .
It turns out that if we define the Hamiltonian function
So what? Well, we aren't going to crank out any examples, but the Lagrangian and/or Hamiltonian formulations of Classical Mechanics are very elegant (and convenient!) generalizations that let us generate equations of motion for problems in which they are by no means self-evident. This is especially useful in solving complicated problems involving the rotation of rigid bodies or other problems where the motion is partially constrained by some mechanism [usually an actual machine of some sort]. It should also be useful to you, should you ever decide to apply the paradigms of Classical Mechanics to some ``totally inappropriate'' phenomenon like economics or psychology. First, however, you must invent analogues of kinetic energy V and potential energy T and give formulae for how they depend upon your canonical coordinates and velocities or momenta.
Note the dramatic paradigm shift from the force and mass
of Newton's SECOND LAW to a complete derivation in terms of
energy in ``modern'' Classical Mechanics.
It turns out that this shift transfers smoothly into the
not-so-classical realm of QUANTUM MECHANICS,
takes on a whole new meaning.