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Solid Geometry

Most of us learned how to calculate the volumes of various solid or 3-dimensional objects even before we were told that the name for the system of conventions and ``laws'' governing such topics was ``Solid Geometry.'' For instance, there is the cube, whose volume V is the cube (same chicken/egg problem again) of the length $\ell$ of one of its 8 edges: $V = \ell\,^3$. Similarly, a cylinder has a volume V equal to the product of its cross-sectional area A and its height h perpendicular to the base: V = Ah. Note that this works just as well for any shape of the cross-section - square, rectangle, triangle, circle or even some irregular oddball shape.

If you were fairly advanced in High School math, you probably learned a bit more abstract or general stuff about solids. But the really deep understanding that (I hope) you brought away with you was an awareness of the qualitative difference between 1-dimensional lengths, 2-dimensional areas and 3-dimensional volumes. This awareness can be amazingly powerful even without any ``hairy Math details'' if you consider what it implies about how these things change with scale.4.4

Figure: Triangular, square and circular right cylinders.
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Jess H. Brewer