Course Feedback Form

We would like to have your feedback when you want to give it, not just at the end of the course when it is too late for us to make any use of it. You can come back and revise your answers as many times as you like; in fact we encourage you to do so.

We also value your ideas and suggestions which don't fit into this survey - particularly suggestions for new questions you think should be included here! Please use E-mail for this purpose.

Do you want to submit your answers anonymously?  

Please rate your agreement with each statement from   -3 (Strongly Disagree!)   to   +3 (Strongly Agree!):

  1. The instructional approach used in this course is effective for me.     Comment?

  2. The assigned reading is helpful to me.     Comment?

  3. The assigned homework (other than reading) is helpful to me.     Comment?

  4. Out-of-class discussions with the instructor(s) are helpful to me.     Comment?

  5. Discussions with fellow students are helpful to me.     Comment?

  6. Use of the Web and computer technology is helpful to me.     Comment?

Please rate your interest in this discipline from   -3 (Boring!)   to   +3 (My Obsession!):

Qualitative Questions   (1024 characters or less per answer):

[optional]   Please send these answers to the following E-mail address(es):

What is the best thing in this course so far, in terms of your own development?

What is the worst thing in this course so far, in terms of your own development?

What is your most important contribution to your own intellectual growth in this course?

Discuss the most important factors blocking you from achieving more in this course?

What mark do you intend to receive for this course?     Over   %

What is your responsibility in seeing that you receive this mark, and what is your instructor's responsibility?

Suggested additions and/or changes to this form:

Other General Remarks:

  or hit your browser's Back button to return to the calling page.

Jess H. Brewer
Last modified: Mon 14 Jan 2002