The series RLC circuit has a resonance where the current takes a maximum value. This resonance will be sharpest for small values of R, large L and small C, although the frequency of the resonance depends only on L and C. Suggested values are mH and F, since with these values the resonant frequency is not near the end of a decade on the signal generator. Any value of R between 10 and 100 ohms will work well - most of the resistance in your circuit is the internal resistance of the signal generator. Observe how the voltage across the resistor (and hence the current) changes as the frequency is changed. Determine the value of for which the circuit's total impedance is minimized and compare this with what you would expect given the values of L and C in your circuit.
Measure the current in the circuit as a function of frequency in the
vicinity of the resonance.
Graph vs. sweeping through the resonance.