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AC Circuits

We will restrict our attention in the following to the long-time behaviour of AC circuits; in particular, we will examine the response of circuits at the same frequency as the driving source, neglecting any transient responses.

The voltage drop across a resistor (R), capacitor (C) and inductor (L) are given as:


We can represent the current by a complex exponential:


If we now evaluate tex2html_wrap_inline449 , tex2html_wrap_inline367 and tex2html_wrap_inline365 :


We can define the complex impedance X:


so that the voltage drop across any element is given simply as


Consider the circuit in Figure 9.6 consisting of a resistance R, a capacitance C and an inductance L, connected in series and driven by a time-varying voltage source.


Figure 9.6: A driven series RLC circuit.

The differential equation for the current flow is obtained by equating the voltage of the source to the total potential drop around the circuit.


We write the driving sinusoidal voltage as tex2html_wrap_inline465 , then take the current to have the same frequency, but a relative phase tex2html_wrap_inline467 :


To determine the response of the circuit, we need to determine tex2html_wrap_inline469 .


Since the left hand side of the equation for tex2html_wrap_inline471 is purely real, the right hand side must also be real; in other words, the imaginary part must equal zero. Making use of the identity tex2html_wrap_inline473 , we obtain:


From our result for tex2html_wrap_inline475 , we can construct a triangle and use the Pythagorean theorem to obtain


Substituting into the real part of Eq. (22) we obtain:
